Last year brought many good and wonderful people to the aid of our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ who live in an impoverished country, the Republic of the Philippines. We were able to build many homes for the homeless living in tents due to the earthquakes of 2019. Thousands of true Christians were devastated and left destitute for the past two years. There are still a few more homes to build and we are committed to provide homes for the earthquake victims who remain to the best of our ability. The generous outpouring of so many true loving Christians have trusted us with their funds and we are thankful that we have obtained such trust for this labor of love.
The homes we all worked together to build have been able to provide much needed shelter though wanting plumbing and furniture. To our knowledge, the Philippine government has granted land to all the victims of the earthquakes and so far have been good to their word. The cost per home has been very, very low in cost due to much volunteer work among the brethren there. To God be the glory forever!